I always love to make a cutie things for little girls... I make this new style hat (girly) with rayon cotton thread in three colours blending rainbow, pink and light yellow... hook no.2/0. I can imagine how cute they'll look if wearing it...
Sometimes we need to fresh our brain from our daily works. Crocheting and knitting is my favourite to make my brain on the track again, but sometimes I need something new.... Something challenge....... I choice to make beaded... It's need creativity and also patience. These are some of my beaded project. It's for private collection only...... just make for fun.
My inspiration sprang out when I see a cutie clutch at http://www.margaretnicole.com/clutchettes/cw1.htm . Sonia has inform about this (thank's Sonia). So I make a new one design for me... I make it with white yarn wool (4 ply) and rayon cotton blend thread (for ribbon). I mix crocheting and knitting in this project. Purse make with knitting with 2 cable stich and the ribbon make from crocheting. I give a metal handle in silver colour. I give zipper in it. Now,...my bag is ready to use...:)
This is my new design of baby vest. I made it for Mamay. She want me to make it in blue colours cause it's for a baby boy... I tried to make a baby boy look stylish ( not only baby girl ). Need more time to finished it ... cause it's a busy month for me..
I have 4 visitors from Bali... they take a vacation at Nyepi feast. Two of them (Dewi and Desi) like my crocheting projects and ask me to make them a hat. They love flower and Desi like green colour, so I choose a green hat with yellow flower. We also make a project together :" how to make a usual sandal looks different".. So again we make some flowers and cover the sling with magenta colour (cotton thread).. They're amaze about what we're doing.. I really glad to work together with them... Hope this year'll full of happiness !! And hope the two of you love crocheting like i did...:)
I still have some cotton left over threads, so i mix it with two colour cotton thread ( new brand ). This dress is mix with 4 colours : 2 blending colours thread ,yellow and turquese.
This idea sprang out when I see Kathy's daughter (mischele). She is so cutie... It'll be perfect if i match this with cutie hat too...
This pattern and finished product will available next week at THATA'S BOUTIQUE
This is my new design in 2007. I made with cotton thread cause I want the motif looks good (attractive). Creamy/Ecru colour is the main and blended thread for point of interest. I still have 3 design that I havent finished yet.... All of these design is for pattern sales (many friends of mine ask for this). Finished project only for Indonesian market right now...
I like flowers very much. I want to try to make and arrange some flowers like roses, aster, or anything with crocheting/knitting. These are some of my projects
Ribbing from Robin (crochet me) inspire me to make a new style bolero.... And this is my new design. I make it with cotton yarn in 3 colours... No.1 is white, no. 2 is dark blue and no 3. is blending cotton yarn (dark blue, ocean blue, white).... Thread no.20. But I havent time to write the pattern right now......... My friend take it when she look at it.... (it's her with my bolero in this pic)
I have problem with my hooks when I have to travelling. These days, travelling is one of my duty. Some times one of my hook was lose.. I didnt know where I lose it. So I have an idea to make my needle case... and this is my needle case....with crocheting. I make with korean wool. Hook no. 6/0.