Sunday, January 28, 2007


This is an easy mini scarf. I wear this mini scarf for accecoiress to my blouse or dress. Just take it to your shoulders and your blouse/dress'll look different. Choose the matching colour with your blouse/dress. This creamy one was all around scarf ( could macth to many dark colour). I uses 1/2 ball of cotton thread (ecru colour). Hook no 2/0. You need only 4 hours to do this scarf.


Yuliazmi said...

Cute mbak :) cuma pakai rantai dan papan (papan kosong) jadi scraft cantik. Itu bunganya dibuat langsung setelah bikin papan kosongnya atau belakangan setelah scarftnya selesai? kayaknya sih dibuat langsung ya *reka-reka buat belajar bikin pola*

hehehe, ecru kayak gitu toh warnanya :"> Warna netral gini memang cocok buat padanan apa aja. Cantik untuk kondangan

Thata said...

Betul. Bunganya dibuat setelah papan selesai. Dibuat langsung di bolongannya. Silakan coba..... Bener warna ini all round. Udah dipake kondangan and banyak yg order :)))